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3D terrain generation with THREE.js

I’m increasingly interested in the use and application of Perlin and Simplex style noise generation to real world problems, and even moreso for the simulation of real world environments. This has come from my personal side projects in game development. If you’re not familiar with noise generation like Perlin and Simplex noise, a quick Google Search will show you all you need. All you really need to know about Perlin noise for article is that it can be used and manipulated to generate random terrain thats reasonably smooth and realistic.

2D Terrain Generation with Processing

Yeah yeah.. You’ve heard it all before. Terrain generation. Perlin noise. All that jazz. Yes, well, I have gone and done it again, and I have used this attempt at 2D terrain generation to try and get a better understanding of the control I have over Perlin noise, and how to sculpt it to represent terrain that looks and feels real. I’m using Processing in this example, as its a nice and quick way to get some graphics output and lets me focus on the math side of things.